About Us
I am Edit Berecz. I live in Budapest with my husband and our two dogs (Queenie and Hektor). In all my born days I had some kind of small pet. For some reason we love special species, so we already had rats, ferret, but eventually returned to the people’s best friend, to the dogs. We tried to find a not too common breed, so after long searching, we found the chinese crested dog. I read lots of literature about this breed, and we realised this breed is perfect for us.
The decision was born on December in 2007, that we're going to buy one. We bought Dzseni-Szépe Tittike (Gigi) from Fundoklia-völgyi Kaszanics Kennel on 28th of February in 2008. That time she was 9 months old. The kennel’s owner bought Gigi for breeding, but she is a true hairless type and nowdays the medium hairless and hairy hairless chinese cresteds are preferable in dog shows, so the kennel’ s owner decided to sell Gigi (for our great pleasure).
Gigi participated in some dog shows in baby class, where she did well.
On 1st of January in 2009, she gave life to three wonderful puppies, (male: Dandy Mali Zmaj) who has been spent their days in loving families. Of course we are following the growth of the puppies. One of them, Gucci, started to participate in dog shows in 2010, and he’s very successful.
Gigi was neutered on 7th of April in 2009. She got a brother (Hektor) for her birthday.
I tried to keep her mentally and physically exercised.
We went to some dog shows in hobby category, which are organized by MKSZ.
Gigi finished Hobby Champion on 21th of July in 2011
Unfortunately after 9 months of combat Gigi gave up and on 19th of August in 2012 she walkd over the rainbow-bridge. Her memory live in us forever! :( And she will never be forgetten! :( |
Because I am in love with this breed, I decided to my next dog will also be a Chinese Crested dog. I searched her many places, although it really there was no issue that I am going to buy a dog from the Fundoklia-völgyi Kaszanincs Kennel again, but now my new puppy will be bred by this breeder. The eagerly awaited litter was born on 29 of December in 2012. I could choose one of the two hairless little girl, and because the colour of one of the girls was very similar to the colour of Gigi, I fell in love with this little girl immediately. She is Queenie, who has helped (she still helps me) forget the great pain what I feel for lose of Gigi. She has fantastic character, she is clever and beautiful, and I owe her thanks Lukácsné Kaszanics Terézia!